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FAQ: Payment

How can I pay?

We accept the following payment methods online:

  • Visa
  • Visa Debit/Delta
  • MasterCard
  • JCB
  • Maestro UK and International
  • American Express
  • PayPal
  • China UnionPay

The payment methods accepted may vary depending on the currency in which you wish to pay or the destination country.

Please see our Terms & Conditions for further information on how you can pay for your order.


When will I be charged?

When an order is placed, we request a pre-authorisation for the value of the order from your bank/card issuer to ensure that the funds are available. However, this remains simply a pre-authorisation request until the order is shipped, at which point we take payment.

We have found that some card companies show the initial request and the later charge as two separate entries; we only charge your card once and any 'second' charge is only temporary.


Can I use multiple methods of payment?

At this time, we only accept one (1) form of payment per order.